Showing all 8 results

  • On Becoming Babywise

    All three of my kids have been Babywise kids. I think some people have a misunderstanding of the principles in this book. Babywise does NOT mean denying your baby bottles when hungry. However, it does promote helping your baby to eat and sleep on a schedule (with flexibility for their needs!)  Let’s be honest, don’t…

  • Phillips Avent Bottle

    We used another type of bottles with our girls, and they served their purpose but wow, there were a LOT of parts.  We tried to use those bottles again with Kallen but they’d apparently sat in our hot/cold attic too long and leaked like crazy.  We tried these bottles and loved them because, there are…

  • Avent Pacifier

    My babies have always liked the pacifiers with the flat nipple instead of the completely round ones For some reason they were just able to keep these kind in their mouths better, which is a win in the middle of the night when you have to insert the paci what feels like a million times!…

  • Chenille Fitted Crib Sheet

    These are the SOFTEST crib sheets ever, and your baby will thank you so much. I think it helps transfer that sleeping baby from your arms into the crib with these sheets because they never feel cold to the touch. And of course, they are just so soft.

  • Dohm White Noise Machine

    Not going to lie. We have 2 of these. There is one in Kate and Karsten’s room and one in Kallen’s room. Kevin and I have some random sound machine in our room but it is not as good as these.  This is the exact one we have in both of the kids rooms, and…

  • Love to Dream SwaddleUP Sleep Sack

    With the girls, we used traditional swaddles. But Kallen HAD to have his hands up by his face. Enter the SwaddleUp sleep sack. It was amazing and I think it also helped with the transition out of being swaddled.  I borrowed one from my sister (who introduced me to it when she used it with her daughter) and then bought 3 more to add into the rotation. We literally couldn’t do naps or bedtime without this! And don’t worry, it comes in both girly and more boyish colors too, if gender neutral isn’t your thing!

  • ZipadeeZip Sleep Sack

    The BEST transition from swaddle to sleep sack.

  • Zutano Baby Booties

    Never use baby socks again. They don’t stay on baby’s feet anyway, am I right!?  These are simply the BEST baby booties. Keep your little one’s feet warm and they actually stay on. Plus they are super cute!