Pierced Ears

Life is busy – even in quarantine (or at least attempting to stay at home). Right? Enough said!
For Kate’s birthday her “big” present was getting her ears pierced. She asked about doing this when she was much younger, but she wasn’t quite ready for the responsibility of taking care of them, so we said no at the time.
For her 9th birthday though, she was ready and excited! … right up until the time when she got in the chair! I honestly didn’t think she would go through with it. We told her that it was 100% her choice, and if she didn’t want to do it, that was fine, but that if we left then she was going to have to wait til her 10th birthday to get them pierced. You can guess what she decided.
This first picture is my absolute favorite. See her holding her daddy’s hand? Love

She chose small crosses for her first pair of earrings and couldn’t be more proud of her new pierced ears. My girl is growing up!