Party Time!

I’m finally getting the chance to blog about Kate’s party, and I think I’m going to break it up into 2 separate post…  one post with decorations and one with everything else.

I had lots of fun planning Kate’s party.  We didn’t do a real “theme” this year.  I figure that there will be plenty of years ahead where she begs us for a Dora party, or a Disney party, or something else!  So while she can’t talk, I figured we would do something not really theme related.  BUT, it was definitely a girly party. 🙂

Here is the entry way.  I found a cute poem online and wrote it on the chalk board that we used for Kate’s 1 year pictures.  I also printed out two of my favorites from her 1 year pictures.

And the food table.  The party was from 12-2, so we had lunch.  We had burgers, chips, and fruit salad. Kevin’s brother Ken cooked the burgers and they were so good.  In keeping with the pink theme, we had pink lemonade and water to drink.

The cake!  One of our friends from church did Kate’s birthday cakes.  She did a great job, so if you live in the upstate SC area and want to know who made her cakes, send me an email!  I’d found a few “inspiration” cakes online that I liked, and gave them to Brandee.  I love how it turned out… and Kate did too.  The bottom layer was cinna-bon flavored and the top layer was marble. 

I also had some decorations in the living room but now that I went through my pictures, I realize that I never got a picture of the final decor.  I think you get the idea from these though. I printed out Kate’s monthly pictures, put them all in pink, teal and white frames, and put them on the mantle.  The half-finished mantle is the top picture.  Then I hung pink, white and teal/blue pom-poms from the ceiling.

And last, but definitely not least, is the birthday girl!  I couldn’t share a whole post without mentioning WHO this part was for! 🙂 

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