Party Time

Last weekend, we celebrated Kate’s birthday with a Pirates & Mermaids themed party.  To be honest, she really requested a Mermaid-only party, but I wasn’t quite sure how I’d pull that off, so I asked her if she wanted to have pirates too, so the boys wouldn’t feel left out.  She bought it, so Pirates & Mermaids it was!
Basically, we just put out a kiddie pool, blew up our bounce house, filled up the water table and turned on a sprinkler. Then we just let the kids run around. I think they had fun. (Karsten included.)

My dad even dressed the part.

This is Kate with her future husband, Conner.  They are 4 months apart in age, and have known each other since they were born.You would think they are brother and sister. They love each other to death, but they fight and argue with each other like crazy. At church, they pretend to be “Cinderella and the handsome prince”.  Together, they are a handful!

This was Kate’s first birthday party where friends her own age were invited. We kept the number of little kids pretty small, but I think she had a blast.  So we’ll call the Pirates & Mermaid party a success.


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