Over the River, and Through the Woods

…and hopefully now we are OUT of the woods.  Last week was a rough one in our household.  Kate got the flu and we pretty much just tried to survive the week.  Battling her 104+ fever was just about all we could handle, and on top of that was the fact that Kevin had not had the flu shot so he had to keep his distance from Kate (ie- Mommy was on her own).

Kate was pitiful. She’s been relatively healthy in her first 17 months of life, minus a few colds here and there. We’ve been counting our blessings on that one.  Needless to say, this is the sickest she has ever been.  All day Tuesday and Wednesday she just wanted to be held and had no desire to play.

My mom was awesome and came up to help with Kate on Thursday and Friday so I could go in to work, and my dad sent a big pot of the best chicken and dumplings.  By Saturday, Kate was feeling MUCH better.  After being cooped up for 6 days straight, she was itching to get out.  She kept going to the door, pointing and saying “go, go”.  I decided to let her “go” somewhere-. Sacrifice, you know? (We just went through the drive-through.)

I still kept her at home on Sunday just in case she was still contagious, but she’s back to her normal self today.  I hope this was her last encounter with the flu for MANY years to come.

** Don’t forget my online Kelly’s Kids party.  Today was the first day to place orders, and you can place them anytime between now and February 14th!


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