Oh Christmas Tree

I think I may have a workaround for the picture. Thanks, Julie!

It has gotten SO hard to get pictures of Kate lately. This girl is on the go. See below for my half-blurry pictures in an attempt to get a few recent ones of her.

On another note, Kate LOVES our Christmas tree. She’s actually been very good with it and so far none of the ornaments have been broken. I’m sure that will change even though the bottom 1/3 of the tree is made up of non-breakable ornaments. She loves to look at the different ornaments and point or touch.
The other night she was pointing and I would tell her what each ornament was. First there was a dog, then a snowflake, then a ball and finally an angel. When I said “angel”, she looked at me kind of funny so I repeated it to see if she could say it. She finally did but it definitely comes out as “anal” instead of “angel”. Hopefully she’ll get the hang of the g sound soon!


Merry Christmas!



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