Nursery Update
Once we get everything done, I’ll post pictures of the finished room. Hopefully we’ll wrap everything up within the next few weeks. 🙂
0Once we get everything done, I’ll post pictures of the finished room. Hopefully we’ll wrap everything up within the next few weeks. 🙂
0Kate loves her long hair and honestly, so do we. BUT it has been getting a little hard to manage the longer and longer it…
Anytime somebody sees Kate they always ask “How’s she sleeping?”. Well, I think she’s sleeping pretty darn good for a 6, um, I mean 7…
Kate got her very FIRST Valentine in the mail last week from her Nana in Indiana. And the first thing she did with it was…
We started giving Kate a little bit of rice cereal each night about a week ago. She’s still getting the hang of it, and of…
This past Sunday we had our first “official” visit with Kate’s birth parents. We were able to see her birth mom again about two weeks…