November- Adoption Awareness Month

Prior to adopting, I was adoption ignorant. I just didn’t know a whole lot about adoption.  One of my best friends growing up had a little brother who was adopted.  I remember her telling us about him, but I was still a kid at the time myself so I didn’t really know or understand what all was involved.  That was about the extent of my adoption knowledge. So yeah, I really had no idea about adoption.

I still don’t know a lot of stuff about adoption, but I definitely know a lot more than I did 2 years ago.  One thing I had no clue about was that there was an adoption awareness month.  I mean I should have figured, since there is a month for just about every cause imaginable, but I digress.  NOVEMBER is adoption awareness month.
This video was made by Lifesong for Orphans for Adoption Sunday, which was this past Sunday (November 4th).  I missed out on sharing it before Sunday, but it is still a great video.  Check it out…


So what can you do to help?  As Christians, we’re all called to defend the orphans, and we can do that in a TON of different ways.  Not every couple is called to adopt a child like we were, but each person IS called to care for orphans in some way. How does God want to use you?

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
James 1:27

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families.
Psalm 68:5-6

One easy way is to pray for the families that are waiting to adopt RIGHT NOW.  There are tons of families out there who are waiting, and you probably even know of some families first-hand.  Click here to see the list of waiting families with the adoption agency that Kevin and I used (Bethany Christian Services).  Feel free to sort it by state, and pray for them.  Pray for strength and patience during the wait, pray for their future child, and that child’s birth parents.

Help spread the word that November is adoption awareness month.  I’m so glad we got a “little” bit more aware about adoption. 🙂


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