My Silly Valentine

Today is Kate’s second Valentines day.  Crazy how much she has changed.  And CRAZY how much her hair has grown. 🙂 
When I got home, I gave Kate a card and two Caramel Milky Way bars (so good) to go give to Kevin.  She ran over to him, gave it all to him, and then said “please”?  In other words, “open that thing up!”  

Of course she had to give Daddy kisses to tell him thank you for sharing his candy bar. 

A little later she found my heels, which I had kicked off after getting home from work.  I figured she wouldn’t even be able to stand up in them, much less walk around.  She definitely proved me wrong. 


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  1. Hey Ash! So glad you found my blog, and said "hi"! I popped over to your blog and saw that you just had a girls weekend with your sister and mom. I just had one with my sister and mom back in December in NYC and it was so much fun. 🙂 I'm glad to have met you, and hope you have a great weekend too!

  2. Hey Ash! So glad you found my blog, and said "hi"! I popped over to your blog and saw that you just had a girls weekend with your sister and mom. I just had one with my sister and mom back in December in NYC and it was so much fun. 🙂 I'm glad to have met you, and hope you have a great weekend too!

  3. Thanks Desiree. It is really funny how fast her hair has grown. It definitely makes people think she is a lot older than she really is. People always think she is closer to 2 or 3… not 18 months! 🙂

  4. Thanks Desiree. It is really funny how fast her hair has grown. It definitely makes people think she is a lot older than she really is. People always think she is closer to 2 or 3… not 18 months! 🙂

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