Mother’s Day Weekend

First, Happy Mother’s Day to my mom!  I am so lucky to be your daughter and hope that I can be as good of a mom to Kate as you are to me. 🙂

This was my first Mother’s Day as a mom myself, so it was pretty special.  On Friday, Kevin and I headed to some nearby outlets to get my Mother’s Day gift- some new clothes and tennis shoes.  🙂  We ate dinner at Cook Out and of course had to get milkshakes.  I got an orange creamsicle milkshake and it was SO good.  We were walking out to the car and I had Kate in one hand and my milkshake in the other.  Kate was reaching for it SO hard.  Somehow, Kevin talked me into giving her some.  I should have known better, but I gave in.  She made the craziest face on her first taste, but she loved it.  She kept reaching for more, so she wasn’t satisfied with the few little tastes that we gave her and pitched the biggest fit when we stopped.  Seriously, I haven’t seen her cry this hard since the cake incident.  
On Saturday, we celebrated Mother’s Day with my mom, dad and sister.  They came up to visit for the day.  We all met up at our house right around the time Kate woke up (10:30ish) and gave my mom her gift.  My mom also gave ME a pot of pretty flowers!  What a nice surprise.   
We ate lunch downtown for a change and then took Kate to the zoo for the very first time.  Our city has a nice zoo and it was actually the first time that I’ve ever been there (that I remember).  It’s not huge, and nothing like Riverbank Zoo in Columbia but it was still good and took us a little over an hour and a half to see everything.  Kate was pumped.  Can’t you tell? 
First stop was the elephants. 
And then giraffes.  Probably my favorite. 

Snakes and other reptiles…


I picked on Kevin because while all of us were oohh-ing and ahhh-ing over the animals, he was reading all about them.  We just wanted to look.  He apparently wanted to learn. Nerd.

I saved the best for last.  The monkeys.  Specifically, the Gibbon Monkeys.  When we got close to this exhibit, these monkeys started making SO much noise and they were very loud.  Kate just stared at them at first…
Then she wasn’t quite sure what to make of all the noise…
And then she was pretty sure she didn’t like them…
Once we backed away from the monkey enclosure, she continued to watch them warily.  
I’ve got tons more pictures, but since I’ve already shared about a hundred, I’ll stop and just share two more.  Here is a picture of my me, my mom, and my sister.  Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!
And one of me and Kate on my first Mother’s Day. 

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