Mother’s Day 2013

This past Sunday was my 2nd Mother’s Day as a mom, and it was a pretty packed day.  After church on Sunday we went to a Japanese steak house for lunch.  It was good, and although I thought Kate would LOVE it, she did not. She was terrified. She did like watching people from across the room, but once our guy got to the table and started doing his thing, she was not a fan. Not of the fire, not of him throwing things, not of the noise- nothing.  She pretty much scrambled out of her high chair and into my lap, saying “Hold you! Hold you!”.   I was really surprised because she was having so much fun watching the other tables, and so far she has not been scared of anything. She’s usually pretty fearless.
After lunch we came home to rest for a (very) brief amount of time.  We did take some time to snap a few pictures in our church clothes though…

Here is little miss bossy with her two dogs. 

And of course since it was Mother’s Day, I had to get a picture with my little one.  It was quite an ordeal though.  Here are the progression of pictures. They make me laugh.

#1 – So not in the mood.

#2 – Look at Max and Cooper!

#3 – You asked for a smile.  You didn’t say a REAL smile! So, CHEESE!

#4 – Are we through yet?

#5 – I’ll just give you sassy!

We spent the other half of the day at a local baseball game. I have plenty of pictures of that too, so I’ll wait and share them tomorrow. 🙂 

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