Mission Trip 2018

At the beginning of August, our church always goes on a mission trip to Wears Valley Ranch in TN. It is a children’s home and we do all kinda of projects. Basically, we do whatever they need.  Landscaping? We’ll do it.  Roofing? We’ll do it. Picking potatoes in the garden? We’ll do it.  Staining tables/benches? Yep. You get the idea.

It’s a trip that started out for our youth group but has expanded to include parents and any (little) kids that they want to bring and be responsible for. I mean it IS a children’s home so they definitely don’t have a problem with us bringing kids.

Kate has gone 3 years in a row now, and for the first time ever, we brought Karsten. I love that we get to teach our kids about serving others in a tangible way that they can play a real part in.

Anyway, I’ll leave you with just a FEW pictures. It’s just a small snapshot of what we did all week but if I included every picture that I have from the trip, you’d still be scrolling next week.

First, here’s a look back at the last 4 years of mission trips. Bottom right is 2015, bottom left is 2016, top right is 2017 and top left is 2018.

On the first day, some of the girls helped with staining benches that the campers use around the campfires in the evenings.

We had to check out the horses- so beautiful! 
When we drove IN to Pigeon Forge, Karsten saw the big ferris wheel and that is all she could talk about for days. So on Thursday, we had some free time and took some of the kids to ride. This girl was in heaven.
Both of our kids worked hard (relatively speaking). There were a few trees down that needed to be cut up and cleared. Karsten helped gather up the smaller twigs and branches. 
Kate took a turn with the blower and “helped” blow leaves. 
This place is beautiful, and we love coming here each year.  This church building was barely a shell last year.  One of our jobs last year was to spread pea gravel underneath the foundation. Just a small part, but look at what it is now. So beautiful in fact, that one of our couples got engaged on the front steps of this building during our trip! 

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