Milestone Day

What an exciting day in our household.  Kate took her first steps (that we know of)!  She had just woken up from her nap so I brought her into the living room and put her down on the floor.  I’ve been putting her down on her feet and just letting her stand on her own.  She loves it and is just SO proud of herself.  Well today when I did it and let go, she took 3 steps toward me!  Kevin had just left to go to his softball game so I RAN out the door to see if I could catch him before he got out of the driveway.  I barely missed him, but I wasn’t sure if Kate would do it again anyway.  She did!  She consistently took 3-4 steps towards me and one time even took 7. Wow. I can’t believe my 9 1/2 month old is walking. Crazy.

Here are a few cute pictures that I took Sunday after church…


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