Micro Mini Scooter

When we visited New York City last month, one “must do” on our list was to walk through Central Park.  We had terrible weather, but it wasn’t something we were going to miss out on.  So on Sunday afternoon, we took a stroll through the park in the pouring rain.  Surprisingly (or not since it is NYC), there were people EVERYWHERE.  There were tons of runners and lots of families with kids.

As we were walking, one little kid, probably around 4 or 5, came FLYING at us on a scooter.  I first thought it was a little Razor scooter (like those ones that everybody just had to have circa 2000).  When I looked a little closer, I saw that this scooter was a little bit different.  Instead of having just one wheel at the front and one in the back, it had TWO wheels in the front and one in the back.  It was obviously a lot sturdier and easier for a 4 or 5 year old child to use, and he was having a blast.  He raced past us, laughing the whole time.

Well, it turns out his scooter was a mini micro scooter and they’re made especially for “little kids” (target age 3-5).  Kate LOVES hers, but at 17 months she’s honestly too small for it right now.  She does love for us to push her around on it and literally cries when we put it away.  I can already see that this thing is going to get a lot of use in the future.  

Because the Micro Mini Scooter has 3 wheels, instead of just 2, it’s so stable that Kate is even able to balance on it all by herself.  Now, she can’t push herself (yet) but at least she is able to stand and hold on.  She loves it so much, we end up having to hide the scooter in our formal living room until we want to allow her to play with it.

Now I’m pretty sure this is NOT what you’re supposed to do with it, but regardless, Kate loved when her Aunt Kristi pushed her around the house.  At the end, Kate is even trying to get Kristi to do it again. 🙂

So if you’re looking for a great birthday present for a child between the ages of 2 and 5, I would highly recommend this.

Disclosure: I received the mini micro from Kickboard USA in exchange for this review. All of the opinions are 100% my own. We love this product and think we will get lots of future use from it. 


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