Memorial Day Weekend- Part 1

What better way to start off a weekend than to recap the last one, right?  Well, I have WAY too many pictures to share all in one post so this is going to be a two-part post.

Last Friday evening we went to the mall to run errands, find Kevin some swim trunks for our upcoming vacation, and just ended up eating in the food court.  On Saturday, Kate and I went over to the church to help with some spring cleaning activities.  I helped, Kate played.  Her Papa was there and entertained her for a bit with a senior citizen walker.  Kate loved it.

And here’s a short video of Kate in action with the walker.  She was surprisingly good at pushing this thing around!

Meanwhile, Kevin was back at home mulching some of the new areas of our yard.  Back during busy season, we bought a ton of lawn timbers on sale at Lowes (50% off!).  One of his projects has been to put the timbers around our house.  We finished laying all of the timbers last weekend, so this past Saturday he worked on spreading mulch in the newest areas.  He was still working when I got home so I changed clothes, put Kate down for a nap, and went out to help him.  It took a WHILE before we finished and we even ran out of mulch at the very end, but I think that this makes a huge improvement in our curb appeal!  Here are some before and after pictures of the front part of the house…


And, AFTER….

We finished all of the yard work, cleaned up a bit, and then went to Mojo’s for dinner.  While Kevin and I enjoyed our burgers, Kate relaxed with her bottle.  And by relaxed, I really mean relaxed.  She just leaned back in her high chair, propped up her bottle, and drank away while she watched us eat.  I guess all of that yard work really wore her out.

After church on Sunday, we went to my parents lake house for the rest of the Memorial Day weekend. I’ll recap THAT part of the weekend tomorrow!  Happy Friday!


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