Meal Planning & Random Pics

So, how many of you plan out your meals each week in advance?  I got so tired of driving home from work and thinking “what will we do for dinner” that I decided to give it a try.  It does take a bit of work, but I love it!

Each Sunday I make a Target/Ingles run to pick up the things we will need for the week and then I’m set for the week.  I usually write our meals on a dry erase board on our refrigerator.  Kevin hijacked the board last week and put in his OWN ideas….

I had to laugh when I saw.  It actually took me a few days to catch it.  I think he had some good ideas, don’t you?  I guess he thought that it was his turn to “cook” on Sunday. 🙂

Anyway, I really only plan about 3 meals for the week.  Typically I plan to cook on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  Unless we use the crock pot, we don’t have time to cook on Wednesdays so that’s a leftover night.  And, we never know what we are going to be doing on the weekend, so I leave those open.  Plus, I don’t want to over plan meals for the week so I don’t waste groceries if we end up doing something different.  It’s worked well for us.

This is a short week for us because we are heading out on a quick beach vacation Thursday evening.  Since the temperatures are supposed to be dropping, we’ll be having this for dinner on Monday & Tuesday…


2-3 boneless skinless chicken breasts1 can of cream of chicken soup1 can of cream of celery soup (I subbed cream of mushroom and it was great)3 15-oz cans of chicken broth1 small onion, choppedchopped carrotschopped celery1 tbsp dried parsley flakes1/2 tbsp celery seedsalt and pepper to taste1 can of biscuits (Grands), cut into 6 pieces each

Place everything except for the biscuits into the crock pot and cook on low for 6ish hours.

Then take out chicken and shred it or chop it- whatever is easiest.  Place the chicken back in the crock pot and add the biscuits.  Cook for about 1.5 more hours on low.    

I finally posted this recipe over on my Recipe Blog, so it’s there for my future reference.

Happy Halloween week!


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