Life Lately

I kind of take a lot of pictures. 🙂 So the easiest way for me to do a catch up post on life around our house the past few months is to flip through my iPhone and Instagram photos and share them on here. So, here we go!
My sister and brother in law bought a house a few weeks ago. They closed on their 3rd anniversary and moved in a few days later. Kristi really wanted to update the fireplace, so she and I, along with another friend, attempted to whitewash the brick. I LOVE how it turned out (and it looks even better in person!) I think maybe this convinced Kevin that sometimes Pinterest projects DO turn out well!
We are getting ready for a much needed vacation and one thing on my list was some meal prepping! I can’t WAIT to be at the beach.
One thing about owning a home is that there are never-ending home improvement projects. Actually, a more accurate description would probably be “home maintenance”. Every spring there seems to be a million things to do. Shout out to this guy who has tackled and finally finished the tedious and unrewarding project of our windows. We have older windows that are all wood and are starting to fall apart. We have 19 windows, and each window has 12 panes. On each window Kevin has scraped the old paint and wood putty or caulk off, re-caulked each pane, painted the windows, and then scrapped them again. Soooo time consuming, but it definitely was a necessity. I’m so thankful for a hard working husband who can get things done!
On Kate’s FIRST day of summer, we decided to take the kids to Sonic to get ice cream after dinner. Kate chose a slushy. Pretty sure they enjoyed it.
Way back in December, a few people in my family bought tickets to see the Broadway play Lion King the next time it came to town. Well, that was this past weekend! I saw it about 4 years ago the last time they came through, but Kate was too little to go. This time, we felt like she would do well, and she did! She loved it and I loved getting to do this with my big girl.
After the play, we walked outside and who did we see but Poppy from Trolls!