Labor Day Weekend Again

Okay. These past few posts have been a bit out of order, but I really wanted to post about Kate’s first day of “school”.  However, I don’t want to miss out on any of my Labor Day weekend days!  So, let’s back up to Sunday…

We haven’t been to my parent’s house in a while, and we thought that Sunday would be a good day to visit.  We decided just to make it a day trip.  It was just too much to pack up all of Kate’s stuff for an overnight visit and we wanted to be at home on Monday anyway, so a day trip just worked best.  After church, we packed up the car and hit the road.

We tried to go out on the lake for a bit, but it didn’t quite work out.  We got down there, put on our swimsuits, put on sunscreen, got on the boat, backed the boat away from the dock… and then looked at the sky.  Not good.  We never even made it out of our cove.  But I did get a few pictures in our 5 minute ride.

We spent the rest of the day and evening just hanging out.  Sometimes that’s just the best thing you can do.  

By the end of the day, we had a VERY tired little girl.  I thought for certain that she would sleep the whole way home, but she managed to keep her eyes open for the whole ride.  Once she made it to her bed though, she was out for the count!  

And that’s how we spent our Labor Day weekend.  Hope you all had just as much fun watching college football, relaxing with family, or whatever!


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