
Attitude.  This girl has got it!  I try to write down the funny things that she says and does, but I have been falling short lately.  Here are just a couple for the record book and a few videos at the end…

We were about to leave to go somewhere, and I’d asked Kate to come on so we could get her jacket on. She was very obviously ignoring me, so I reiterated and said “Kate. Come here. Now.” She quickly turned around, looked at me and said “Be patient, Mommy.”

Kevin asked Kate to tell him the story of the 3 little bears and it went like this:
“One pun time (this is how she pronounces it) there were 3 big bears like a mermaid in the water. And then there was an octopus. And then Jonah took them to the Golden Palace.”
I think we’re getting quite a few stories from different sources mixed together: the traditional 3 bears story, Jonah from the Bible, and Disney’s Sophia the First. We’re working on our imagination over here. 

Potty training is by far the worst thing EVER.  Especially with a stubborn kid.  Anyway, it’s not been going well by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s been going so much better than even a few weeks ago.  Last Friday, Kristi came over for dinner and around 8pm, we were all in the living room just talking when we noticed that Kate was gone.  She came back in the room a couple of minutes later, with no shoes, socks, pants or panties on.  She handed me her pajamas and said “Put on my ‘jammas, Mommy!”.

I immediately knew what had happened.  She had an accident and tried to cover it up.  We asked where her pants were, but she wouldn’t tell us.  We found them hidden in our formal living room.  Smart girl hid her wet pants, went into her bedroom, and then put together in her head that it was almost bedtime so it would be more believable to grab her pajamas (which are in a top drawer and hard for her to get to) instead regular pants (which are in the bottom drawer and easy to get to.)  Maybe I’m giving her too much credit, but I was pretty impressed with her logic, though not all that impressed with the wet pants!

Kevin was changing out clothes from the washing machine to the dryer when Kate walked into the laundry area. Their conversation went something like this:
Kate: “What you doing, Daddy?”

Kevin: “Putting wet pants into the dryer to get them dry.”
Kate: “Ohhhh, You pee-pee in those pants?”

Kate has become obsessed with Veggie Tales.  She loves Bob and Larry.  More recently, we introduced her to the Jonah version of Veggie Tales and she’s caught onto the song.  Here are the words to the video below:

“Jonah was a prophet (Oooo-oooo)
But he really never got it (Sad, but true.)
If you’ve been watching you can spot it (A-doodly-dooo.)
He did not get the point!”


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  1. OMG ..hiding her pants and grabbing jammas..too funny! I went through such similar potty training fiascos with my son. It took us forever though to potty train him. After I had my daughter (Sophia) I researched online on how to potty train a girl and came across simplypottytrain.com. It's definitely a great resource I recommend to everyone. It has great tips but it also gives you access to a 3 day potty training solution that had my daughter, literally, potty trained in a weekend. I just wish I would have found this earlier for my son! Check it out, get it and seriously be diaper free in 3 days. …oh and I love "Jonah was a Prophet" by Kate. Love it!

  2. OMG ..hiding her pants and grabbing jammas..too funny! I went through such similar potty training fiascos with my son. It took us forever though to potty train him. After I had my daughter (Sophia) I researched online on how to potty train a girl and came across simplypottytrain.com. It's definitely a great resource I recommend to everyone. It has great tips but it also gives you access to a 3 day potty training solution that had my daughter, literally, potty trained in a weekend. I just wish I would have found this earlier for my son! Check it out, get it and seriously be diaper free in 3 days. …oh and I love "Jonah was a Prophet" by Kate. Love it!

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