Kate is Seven

Today is Kate’s day, and she is officially a seven year old! 

I promise it feels like the days, months, and years are going by at a faster pace than they did in years past. A few weeks we were visiting the city where she was born and Kevin and I were reminiscing about when she was a tiny newborn. It feels like yesterday. In a few weeks, she will be a second grader. 
Kate is kind hearted and a nurturer.  I can see her being a doctor or a nurse as she gets older.  When Karsten (or anyone) is hurt, she is the first to ask to see their boo boo, and the first to try to find a band aid.  A few weeks ago, I wasn’t feeling so great so instead of cooking, Kevin was going to run out and get dinner with the kids. Kate just assumes that if you don’t feel good, it means your stomach hurts, so before they left she went and got me a trash can and a coke, just in case I needed them. (I really just had a headache but I love that she thought of me.)
She loves babies, little kids, and despite her allergies, she loves animals. She watches Wild Kratz on PBS all the time, as well as animal videos on YouTube. Kevin and I often get filled in on random trivia about all kinds of animals. 
She is independent and strong willed – both traits that can serve her well as an adult but cause many battles in our house over who is in charge! I think the teenage years will be interesting…
But because of her independence, I can see her telling me that I’m not allowed to walk her into school on the first day this year.  Hey – she actually tried that with me last year but I told her that in first grade, it’s required for parents to walk you in. Ha! I mean, I needed at least one more year to do that- for me, not her!
She is my girl, the one that made me a mama. She is the first baby that kept me up all night long, the first one I rocked to sleep, the first one that I got to see roll, then crawl, then walk and run. I love her so and while I wish each year would last a little longer, I also can’t wait to see who she grows up to be.  

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