Kate and her Papa’s

I had this post in mind for a few days, but I wanted a specific picture to go here.  It was one of my dad and Kate during our beach vacation.  For the life of me, I couldn’t find it.  I asked Kevin to bring me a copy of all of the beach pictures that I’d saved on his laptop, since that was the computer we took on vacation.  So tonight, I looked through ALL of those pictures and still couldn’t find it.  I had been pretty good about deleting off my memory card on my camera so I figured it wasn’t there, but thought I’d check anyway.  Well, it feels like tonight was Christmas because I not only found the picture that I was looking for, but I found about 300+ vacation pictures that I didn’t even remember that I’d taken. YAY!  I know I said I was through with vacation pictures, but I found a few more that I’m just going to have to share.  Not tonight though.  This is a different story…

Kate LOVES her two Papa’s.  Kevin’s dad is Papa and my dad is Papa Rick.  Not that she can say them yet, but she will call them that eventually.  Kate loves them both so much and you can definitely tell.  In general Kate likes men more than women (can we say trouble?) and besides her daddy, these are her two favorite men.

Here’s Kate with Kevin’s dad (Papa)…

And Kate with my dad (Papa Rick)…

Yep… she loves these two!



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