Is This Real Life?

Did y’all ever see that YouTube video of the kid who had some kind of dental procedure and kept asking his dad “Is this real life?”  Well, that’s kind of what I feel like right now.  I feel like everything is going at warp speed and there is no possible way that this is REAL.  (If you haven’t seen the video, you can check it out here.)

Seriously, how is it already the end of March?  Wasn’t it JUST Christmas yesterday?  And how is my child closer to 3 than to 2?  Wasn’t she JUST born a few days ago?  Wait- I’m turning HOW old this year?  We won’t even talk about that.  This year is flying by, and I don’t really expect it to slow down anytime soon. I’ve been terrible about taking pictures and keeping up with things, so Instagram and my iPhone have been saving me with pictures.  I figure at this point, I should just let it go.  And now after typing that, I feel like I should burst out in song.  I’m sure I’m not the only one that has listened to the Frozen soundtrack a million (or billion) times at this point. So, after all of that, I think the best way to “catch up” would be to just share some my Instagram pictures.  Here we go…

Picked up a few things at Lifeway for Kate’s Easter basket, and something for myself, too!

Kevin just finished this book, and now I’ve started to read it.  I’m still in the first few chapters, but I’ve enjoyed it so far.  

Kate has officially been in her “big girl” room for a few months now so the nursery is being converted back into a neutral space while we wait for our next little one.  That means Kate’s name is coming off of the wall… but the verse will be staying! It was fitting for Kate and most definitely will be fitting for our second child.


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