InstaLife Update

Here is just a little bit of what we’ve been up to:

A few Sundays ago, we all got up for church and started getting ready and this little one was NOT having it. My usually happy baby cried non-stop and just wanted me to hold her while she rested her head on my shoulders. In other words, she did NOT feel good, so she and I stayed home from church.    She also had some kind of weird rash.  It seemed to be some 24 hour virus, because by the next day, she was her normal happy self again and the rash was starting to fade.

My girls LOVE to color. Kate has really gotten into it in the past 6 months or so, but Karsten has really started enjoying it as well.  Just yesterday, Karsten sat on the couch and colored for THREE HOURS.  Y’all. I had no idea she could be still for 5 minutes, let alone 3 hours.  I told Kate she was being a great big sister to teach Karsten how to color so well.

One of Kevin’s traditions with Kate is to read her a bedtime story and tuck her in at night. We have gone through many Children’s Bibles and right now they have been reading the Jesus Storybook Bible (we have also used the Sarah Young Jesus Calling Bible and really like it too).  On this night, Karsten joined them for a story for the very first time.  I just LOVE watching Kevin reading to the girls each night, and seeing them learn so much about who Jesus is and why He died and rose for us.

Sunday was Valentine’s day, and between Valentines parties at school, friends dropping off treats, and more, let’s just say that our big girl was on a sugar high for quite a few days.

Love my little Valentine’s. 
I couldn’t help but sneak a picture of Kate one night, as I was checking on her before we went to bed. She’s growing up way too fast for my liking!

These girls. They sure do make me smile.  I thank God for the blessing of these two kids every day!


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