InstaLife… because that’s all I have time for

I’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t even had a chance to pick up my camera lately, much less blog about anything.  Soooo, even though I feel like I just did this not too long ago, I thought I’d just share some more Instagram pictures. Here we go (again)…

I fell prey to Disney’s Vault marketing campaign.  The Lion King was scheduled to go back into the Disney Vault after April 30th and might not come back out again for up to 8 years.  That would mean that I wouldn’t be able to buy the movie until Kate is almost 10!  Kevin and I flipped on the TV this past weekend and started watching Shrek with Kate, thinking that it was age appropriate.  Not!  Shrek was drinking a martini and saying all kinds of thinks that I do not want coming out of my almost 2-year-old’s mouth.  I think I’m going to be stocking up on some of the old Disney classics, which I know aren’t bad. 

Kevin sent me this picture while I was out running errands one weekend.  I’m pretty sure our dogs like each other more than they like us.

Can you believe this hair?  It is SO long.  I’m going to guess most 20 month olds don’t have quite this much hair. J I love it!

We had about 3 days in a row of warm weather, and I realized that Kate had only a couple of warm weather outfits.  So I went to Old Navy and bought some summer clothes.  I also bought her a couple of bathing suits.  When we got home, I let her try on one and told her to go show her Daddy her new bathing suit.  She kept saying “Baby soup! Baby soup!”

I cleaned out one of our closets and found a ton of old pictures.  Here are just a couple.
Me and my oldest BFF.  We’ve been friends since age 4. 

My very first concert ticket- NSync! Circa 1999.

After busy season was over, I met up with a friend for dinner.  Kate insisted on wearing her glasses.

This was in a magazine that we got from our adoption agency.  Great words to live by. 

Kevin said that if he ever got a zero-turn mower, cutting grass would be so much fun.  We finally decided to go for it, and I told Kevin I would happily let him have all the fun he wanted.

I thought this was a fitting morning devotional for April 15th. 

My silly girl eating breakfast one Sunday morning.


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