Insta-Life Again

Well I am waiting to get my camera adapter so I can upload pics onto my new computer. In the meantime I thought I would share some of my most recent Instagram pics…

Have I mentioned how much I love our new Christmas book tradition? I know I have, but again, I love it! We are all enjoying it. Kate has figured out much she likes opening presents though. A few nights ago she opened one book, looked at 2 pages and then went and tried to get another book to open. She was not happy when I limited her to one. 🙂
On Sunday Kate woke up earlier than normal. I went ahead and fed her breakfast but put her back in her crib while we showered and got ready for church. When I went to get her back up for church, this is how I found her…

She was sleeping so well that I felt bad having to wake her up. I love the crossed feet. So sweet.

I pulled her crib away from the wall a little farther than normal when I changed the sheets on her bed last week. I felt like I hit the paci lottery. Now I know where they all went!
Kate’s Nana now has a seat on her bike just for Kate, so we needed to find a helmet for her. We went to Target to look for one. Apparently they only make them in a few sizes. I first pulled out the one that said it was for ages 1+. Too small. The next size up was for ages 3+. It fit! Kate was not amused by her big head.
Her Mothers Day Out program had fall pictures a few weeks back. I love how they turned out! These are her first “school” pictures.
And last but not least, these pictures were from tonight. Kate LOVES the outside. She and I were in the living room this afternoon. All she had on was a onesie and socks. Yes, you can call me lazy because I just didn’t put her pants back on after changing a diaper. Anyway she went in the kitchen and got one shoe and her jacket. She brought them to me and tried to put them on herself. After a little help by me, she got the shoe and jacket on and then went to the door and whined to go outside. The whole no-pants-one-shoe thing didn’t seem to bother her.
I promise a real blog post (with real camera pics) soon! Happy Tuesday, y’all!



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