
That’s about how fast it feels like everything is going by lately.  It’s crazy!  Like lots of other people, it seems like 90% of my pictures end up being taken on my phone (and then uploaded to instagram).  So here’s  an instagram-recap of what we’ve been up to the last few months. Sorry for the random-ness!

Top Left: Kate is now a CLIMBER.  All over everything.
Top Middle: Gotta love bath time.  Check out that hair!
Top Right:  Daddy’s souvenir to Kate when he got home from a mission trip.
Middle Left:  She loved the splash park when we went to visit my grandmother.
Middle: My high school piano teacher would be proud. 🙂
Middle Right: First Clemson game of the year.
Bottom Left: First attempt at using a spoon.
Bottom Middle: My first attempt at applique.
Bottom Right: My second attempt at applique.  I must love my husband.

Top Left: Trying out a new recipe- cherry pies.  It was a success.
Top Middle: Had to find out what all the hype was about.  I have to say, it’s pretty good.
Top Right: Kate’s first project at MDO. Love it!
Middle Left: Having fun playing in the yard.
Middle: Got to visit my Alma Mater.
Middle Right: Still one of her favorite things!
Bottom Left: Pretty girl on a walk.
Bottom Middle: Love my Galatians bible study with She Reads Truth.
Bottom Right: Getting ready to go to church!

Top Left: Always on the go!
Top Middle: Daddy definitely dressed her on this day!
Top Right: Playing around after church.
Middle Left: Finally got a REAL work space.  Only took us 20 hrs to put it together.
Middle: One of the first Fall outfits of the year.
Middle Right: Practicing with the spoon. Definitely missed the mouth.
Bottom Left: Playing in Daddy’s truck.
Bottom Middle: Silly girl.
Bottom Right: Training her early. Kevin said she’s earning her allowance. 🙂

And now for the Insta-Life (Boston Edition)…

Top Left: Touring Fenway.
Top Middle: Mike’s Pastry!
Top Right: Chocolate Chip Cannoli from Mike’s Pastry- YUMMM!
Bottom Left: Clemson/Boston College game!
Bottom Middle: Pretty sunset over the Charles River.
Bottom Left: We got pretty good at the Subway system in Boston!

Whew! I think I’m ALL caught up.  Has everyone else been just as busy??

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