I’m Ba-ack…

… from Boston!

I know it’s been a while since I posted, but there’s a very good reason.  Kevin, Kristi and I flew to Boston for a long weekend to watch Clemson play Boston College.  And Clemson won! 🙂

We had GREAT seats.  Well, our original seats weren’t bad but we noticed a few things.
1. There were TONS of empty seats. 
2. People were moving all over and sitting in random seats. 
Our original seats were in the upper deck, all the way on one side.  We weren’t all the way at the top, but pretty close.  The seats weren’t bad.  The stadium’s upper deck wasn’t all that high, and we were on about the 5 yard line so we could still see the game pretty well.  But because of the above 2 reasons, we decided to move over one section to get better seats.  And man, were our seats great!  
First of all, we only moved over to about the 20 yard line, but we moved all the way up to the very last row.  The seats were extra wide (deep) and there was a wall right behind us that we could lean up against.  They were comfortable. 

 We didn’t figure out the other advantage of our seats until a little later in the game, when the refs were reviewing a play to determine if DeAndre Hopkins caught the ball and then got a foot down in bounds or not. (shown below)

Anyway, while they were reviewing this play, I looked behind us (and up) and realized that the Clemson coach’s box was RIGHT behind us.  They had a TV showing all of the coverage, and we could see it!  We looked up and the coaches were signaling it to us that it was a touchdown.  As you can see above, it WAS a touchdown.  Not sure what the refs were looking at because that’s not what they decided.

So, from that point on, we were able to look up at the coaches and their TV to figure out what was going on. They were pretty nice and were telling us what the call should be.

The game was definitely fun, and luckily it didn’t rain on us while we were there.  We did lots of other things in Boston, which I’ll share in a separate post.  Overall, it was a fun weekend and it was great to be able to watch Clemson play (and WIN) in a new city.


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