
I haven’t done the best at taking pictures with a real camera lately, but my iPhone sure has come in handy at helping me keep up with things. Here is just a little bit of what we’ve been up to lately…

We’ve been eating Mexican food (and loving it).

And playing doctor (or pretending to be Doc McStuffins).
We’ve planted some flowers.
And then used free child labor to get my flowers watered. Doesn’t she look like she loves it? 

We’ve done a little bit of swinging.

And washed a few cars.

And had an adventure Bachelorette party day.

Oh and of course, played around in Target.

Had a girls-only picnic on the porch for dinner while Daddy was out of town.

We have played in the sprinkler.

And we have tried as hard as we could NOT to smile, but that didn’t work out so well. 

We have been busy having fun!


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