Ice Day

A couple of weeks ago we had an “ice” day.  It wasn’t quite as bad as we thought it might be, but here in the South, it doesn’t take much to shut things down.  I ended up working from home because I am not one to be out on the roads when the weather is bad.  Kate spent most of the day in her PJ’s.

She also spent a lot of the day looking out the door to check out the weather.  

I think it’s funny that when you’re young, you LOVE snow days (or in this case, ice days) but once you grow up, they’re more of a hassle and inconvenience. Especially when you’re an accountant. 🙂

Later that night we (Kevin) built a fire and used our fireplace for the first time this winter.  We honestly don’t use it much because of the smokey smell, but it’s fun to do occasionally. 

PS- There’s just a little over a week left on my Kelly’s Kids party, so if you want to place an order, make sure you get it in before Valentine’s Day.  Click here to check out the details.


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