Hollywild at Christmas

We’ve been doing a lot of Christmas activities and staying so very busy. I’ll blog about some of the other things that we’ve done later, but wanted to share what we did on Tuesday.  We went to Hollywild with Nana and Papa Don!  I hadn’t been since I was a little kid, so I was pretty excited myself.  Basically, it’s a huge petting zoo, that they decorate with a million lights at Christmastime.  When you get there, you drive through tons of lights until you get to Santa’s Village.  Then you park, and go walk around.  They had a bonfire, hot chocolate, and of course- animals!  There were tons of goats that you could feed crackers or bottles.

There were zebra, ponies, bison, horse, donkeys, cows, and more.  My kid was fearless.  She wanted to touch them all.  And, she decided she did not want to see Santa, because she was too busy with the animals.  Future vet, maybe? 

We had a lot of fun, and enjoyed the time that we all spent together.  Although, I will say that I am glad we went on Tuesday night, because on Wednesday night a bull got out of its enclosure.  That probably would have made me nervous enough to skip Hollywild for one more year.  Can’t imagine how scared those parents were with all of their little kids!  Crazy.


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