Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I know I’m a day early on the Cinco de Mayo wishes, but oh well.  It will make a little more sense if you read all the way to the end of this post.

Normally when I get home from work, Kate is right in the middle of a nap.  Today, I got home a little early from work and actually beat Kevin and Kate home.  They pulled in the driveway a few minutes after me so I got to play with Kate a little before we ran errands and went to eat.  She immediately crawled over to the couch and found her favorite “toys”… the remotes.

Kate needed a nap before we did anything though.  Aren’t sleeping babies just the cutest?  Why is it that almost all babies sleep with their rear ends stuck up in the air?  I’m not sure, but I love it!

After she woke up, we ran by Lowes to get a replacement collar for our underground dog fence.  Apparently at some point today the transmitter fell off of Max’s collar.  We definitely needed to replace it ASAP so before we went to eat, we ran by Lowes.  Kate was past due for dinner so I fed her most of a bottle in the back seat while Kevin went in to find the collar.

Then, in honor of Cinco de Mayo and Kate’s heritage, we went to Mr. Salsa for dinner!  Actually, those things were pure coincidence because neither of us even realized it was almost Cinco de Mayo until we got to the restaurant and saw their specials.  I guess that explains the crowd!

Kate had already had most of a bottle, but we put down a disposable place mat and let her have a few puffs to keep her busy while we ate.  And then of course she wanted to try our food.  She had a bit of ground beef, and some rice and beans.  She’s been eating more and more real foods and less and less pureed foods.  If anybody has any good baby finger food suggestions, I’m all ears!

If you read my blog yesterday, you’ll remember that I said that Kate has been saying “No” by shaking her head.  And if you have followed my blog over the last few months, you’ll also know that Kate LOVES food.  Put those two things together and you get this…

Happy weekend everyone!


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