Happy Birthday Kevin!

Today is Kevin’s birthday! Yay!  He is celebrating by playing golf today and then tonight, we’re having a very special birthday “cake”.

This was Kevin’s request.  Instead of birthday cake, we ordered THREE deep dish pizzas from Giordano’s in Chicago.  Kevin has been to Chicago and had the real thing and loved it.  He’s been wanting one of these for a WHILE so we finally decided to just do it.  Happy birthday! 🙂 
We’re having a few people over and cooking 2 of these tonight.  And we’re saving the 3rd for another night.  Shipping was the same price regardless of how many you bought, so it just made sense to get an extra. 
Anyway, today is a special day so we’re celebrating a very special person!  I’m so lucky to have Kevin as my husband, and Kate is a very lucky little girl to have such a great daddy.  He takes such good care of her.  He is the one who gets up with her in the morning, feeds her, changes her diaper, and takes her to her Nana’s house for the day.  He is the one who picks her up and brings her home each evening.  He is the one who has worked for 5 years on our yard, and has it looking better than it ever has.  He’s a great leader for our family, and we both love him so much.  I’m sure Kate would tell him if she could, but for now she’ll have to tell him with her smiles and laughs.

Happy birthday, Kevin!


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