Happy 8 Month Birthday!

I am behind on this post, but I blame it on my work schedule.  I am SO so excited that yesterday was my last working Saturday of busy season 2012.  I am pretty sure Kevin is just as excited.  He told me today there was no way he’d cut it as a stay at home mom, which is pretty good since the “Mom” part would be kind of difficult to pull off.

Anyway, this was supposed to be a post about Kate’s 8 month birthday!  Kate turned 8 months old on April 8th.  She is growing like a weed and changing so much.  I feel like she’s going through a big developmental growth spurt.

She’s crawling so much better.  It’s still a funny little crawl because she refuses to put her right knee on the ground.  She uses her right foot to kind of propel herself along.  It gets her where she wants to go though!

Kate’s trying to pull up on everything.  While she crawls to get her where she wants to go, she would much rather be standing up.  She thinks she can stand by herself so after you stand her up, she pushes your hands away from her.  She’s gotten to where she really can balance by herself for more than just a few seconds.  If you hold her hands, she tries to walk on her tip toes.

She’s cutting her 3rd tooth.  We thought the 3rd would come in on the top since she already has her two bottom teeth, but it’s another bottom tooth!  Just like last time, she’s drooling like crazy. She REALLY wants our food.  She’s definitely showing an interest in solid foods.

Around her 7 month birthday she got what we thought would be her first cold, but it didn’t really turn into anything.  Just a pink nose and the sniffles.  Well, the week before Easter she really got her first cold.  She was miserable, we were miserable, and my mom had to come up to help us.  In the middle of my crazy work schedule, it was hard to deal with a baby who had a fever, could barely breathe, and was up all night.  Thank goodness for grandparents.  My mom was a huge help.  

I could probably write more, but I’ll stop for now and share a few pictures.  Its getting harder and harder to get a few good pictures of her.  She’s getting so mobile and into EVERYTHING!  This was what I was able to get of our indoor photo-shoot!

Since it was so difficult to get one decent picture inside, I took Kate outside to see if that helped.  It did, so I have a ton more pictures to share later.  Don’t want to over load this post though, so I’ll save them for tomorrow.  Here’s a quick look back at Kate’s first 8 months!  Is this even the same kid?  I can’t get over how much shes’ changed.


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