Going to the Chapel…

Kate and I went to a wedding this evening, so it was an excuse to get out one of her smocked summer dresses.  This one was a gift and I love it!  As much as I love dresses, I tend to put Kate in shorter stuff because the dresses make crawling a bit difficult on her.  BUT, I knew she wouldn’t be crawling around this evening at the wedding so I went for the dress.  I took these pictures after we got home from the wedding, so excuse the wrinkles. 

So I’ve mentioned that we’re a bit behind on the baby proofing in our house.  Typically, our fireplace looked like this….
But I finally ordered some soft guards thingys for our fireplace from Walmart.  I had checked in store at Walmart and Target for these things, but apparently they don’t carry them in the store.  So I ordered them online and had them shipped to the store so I could save on shipping.  I went by Walmart on my way home today and stood in line at the customer service desk for 15-20 minutes.  Ridiculous.  And when I got to the front of the line and told them I needed to pick up an order, I was told to go to the photo processing desk, since that’s where you pick up Site-To-Store orders.  Who knew?  I was not very happy about that.  BUT, at least now our fireplace is safe for Kate and our living room looks a LOT better…

Here’s a Kate’s-eye view…

PS- Today is Kate’s 9 month birthday. 🙂  I’ll be posting her monthly update within the next few days!


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