Friday Favorites

I haven’t done a post in a while where I shared some of my favorite things, so I figured it was about time.  I thought I’d do it a little different this time and share a few of my favorite websites for finding deals.

1. Ebates: I had never even heard of this website until about a year ago and I LOVE it.  Basically, you just shop at stores that you were already going to shop from (Gap, Old Navy, Best Buy, Walmart, etc) and you get back a percentage of your order.  Here’s an example.

If you want to order $50 worth of clothing from Gap, you would go to, login to your account, click on “Gap” and then be redirected to their website.  You would shop and checkout like normal, and then Ebates would give you back 2% of your total order.  That doesn’t sound like much, but if you do much online shopping AT ALL, it adds up!

Click here to find out more about how to sign up for Ebates.

2. Blog2Print: This is another one I had not heard of until about a year ago, and again, I LOVE it.  This blog has become Kate’s “baby book” but I didn’t actually have a book.  Blog2Print will import your blog into their book format, and then print it for you.  You can change the dates to include only the dates you want.  So far, I printed June 2011 – December 2011 into my first book. I plan on printing my blog yearly and I love that I’ll have a hard copy of this blog to look back at.

3. Zulily & Totsy:  These two websites sell brand name children’s items (clothing, accessories, strollers, etc) at HUGE discounts. The only downside is that the sales often run for weeks at a time and the sites wait until the sale ends to ship ANY of the items.  So I wouldn’t order anything on here that I wanted right away.  I did find Kate’s Easter dress on Zulily… a smocked dress that’s normally $65+ that I got for $25. Score! 🙂

Click here to find out more about Zulily.

Click here to find out more about Totsy.

4. Woot:  This website has deals for 1 day only, so you have to check regularly, but they also sell things at huge discounts.  I got Kevin some saw horses on this website for $20 and I also bought my Dyson from here.  They have one “sale” item for each category (WootKids, WootHome, WootTech, WootSport, etc.)

5. Mixbook:  I haven’t yet ordered from Mixbook but I have plans to at some point.  You can print photo books, cards, calendars, etc, which doesn’t make them a whole lot different than other web-publishing sites.  However, one thing that I think makes them unique is that they let you import your instagram pictures and turn them into a photobook.  I think is a GREAT idea.  What else do you do with all of those instagram pictures? And to me, those are the ones that are more real-life pictures than ones you take with a real camera.  I don’t want to lose them!  So at some point I would like to print an Instagram book. And, they’re affordable!

So what are YOUR favorite websites? Is there anything I’m missing out on?


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