Fourth of July Fun

We have had a whirlwind few days.  So first, Happy 4th of July from our family to yours!  
The above picture was taken today at lunch at Cracker Barrel.  I LOVE this little rocking chair Kate is sitting in and have been wanting to get her one.  I’ve been checking craigslist pretty regularly for one, but so far no luck. 
Okay, so the biggest part of our holiday excitement was that I got a new car. 🙂 YAY.  I have had the same 2001 Nissan Pathfinder for the past 10 years and it has been a GREAT car.  I really have loved it.  The plan was for me to get a new car later this year or even next year.  We have had to do a little work on my car lately with the A/C and some other issues, and after the recent HOT weather we’ve been having, we decided to get a little more serious about looking for me a car.  We looked at the Toyota Highlander that I liked and realized that it wouldn’t work for us… especially with me only being 5′ tall.  Then we test drove a Pathfinder and I loved it!  Tuesday night we went to the Nissan dealership for me to drive one that Kevin had looked at earlier in the day.  It was perfect, the price was right and they gave us what we wanted on our trade in.  I drove it home. 🙂 
Saying goodbye to my old car was almost sad!  I had it since I was a senior in high school. kept it through college, grad school, and now 5 years of working.  
But I do love my new car, and hope it last just as long (or longer) than the one before it!  I’m sure Kate will appreciate actually having A/C in the back seats too. 

Anyway, I fed Kate spaghetti tonight for the first time and she seemed to enjoy it.  I knew it would probably get messy so she started off in just a diaper and bib.  At first, I fed her off of the spoon but she really wanted to feed herself so I let her.  She did a good job of keeping it off of the floor, but not so good of a job keeping it off of herself.  

Yep, she loved it.  And then she went straight from the high chair to the tub. See the aftermath of the spaghetti? 
We are heading downtown tonight to see a big fireworks show that our city does.  Hopefully Kate will enjoy them and not be terrified.  We will see!  Happy 4th of July!!

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