Joining up again for Five on Friday!  Here we go…


We’re gearing up for Halloween around here.  About a week and a half ago, a co-worker asked me what Kate was going to be for Halloween and I had absolutely no idea.  I figured i better get on top of it, so I got online that evening and luckily, the PB Kids costumes were 50% off and had free shipping.  There’s nothing better than finding something cute, and on sale, and NOT having to go to the store to get it.  I showed Kate a couple of pictures and let her pick out the one she wanted.  This is what we’re going with for Halloween 2013…

Originally, these pictures were gonna be in a separate post, but the past 2 weeks haven’t gone well for either of “our teams” so I just haven’t shared. 🙂  BUT, we did go to Athens for the Georgia/Missouri game.  Like I said, it didn’t turn out so well for Georgia, but we were there none-the-less and here are the pictures to prove it.

Meanwhile, Kate spent her day with Gigi and Pick.  I think they both had fun.

I have done something SO not typical of me. I’ve started Christmas shopping! I’m not one of those people that ever starts Christmas shopping early, and usually wait to get almost all of my Christmas gifts when we take our youth to an outlet mall a few weeks before Christmas.  Granted, all of the shopping I’ve done so far has been for Kate, but her big gift has been purchased and I have plans to get some others done before Thanksgiving.  We’ll see how this goes.  I am excited for her to see her big gift.  I think she’s gonna love it…

If you’re friends with me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve already seen this.  A couple of weeks ago, Kate got her very first note sent home from school.  With Kate’s personality (independent, stubborn and VERY strong willed), I knew it was only a matter of time!

On the plus side, she was doing well with her potty training!  As far as my suggestion for getting her to stay seated at the table… I went with bribing.  I sent a cookie with her lunch and told them to tell her she could have it at the end of the meal if she stayed at the table.  And if she didn’t, they were supposed to throw it away.  Apparently it has worked about 50% of the time.  Other than that, I’ve got nothing. 🙂 She’s two.  She’ll learn eventually.

On a note totally unrelated to my family, Kim Kardashian got engaged this week to Kanye West.  I know.  This is earth-shattering news.  So earth-shattering, in fact, that this just HAD to be included on the blog. 🙂  In all honesty, I don’t follow the Kardashian family at all, except for what is posted on or what I hear from other people.  I’m not a fan, and I don’t watch their show (or shows?) so I really don’t keep up with them.  BUT, I do go to pretty regularly.  One of my guilty pleasures, I guess.  Anyway, so according to, this will be the third marriage for good ole Kim.  I remember the basketball player, and that their marriage lasted about 2 days.  Am I the only one that had no idea she was married to a Damon-somebody?


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  1. Ha, my little one also gets notes home for not sitting at the lunch table! Which is funny because I have SUCH a hard time staying sitting at the table once I'm done eating myself!

  2. Ha, my little one also gets notes home for not sitting at the lunch table! Which is funny because I have SUCH a hard time staying sitting at the table once I'm done eating myself!

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