First Visit to the Dentist

On Thursday, I took Kate to the dentist for the first time. I was NOT looking forward to it because it is already an ordeal just to brush her teeth each day.  Such an ordeal, that it’s Daddy’s job because this Mama just can’t do it. I mean I will when necessary, but I’m more than happy to let Kevin take over that job each day. 
So, I really wasn’t looking forward to the dentist visit because I knew she might not be inclined to open her mouth to let the dentist peek inside. And…. I was right. But everyone at the office was so great.  Kate did a great job of sitting in the chair, and the dental assistant (Pam) showed her all of their tools.  She let her hold the small mirror, play with the water and suction tools, and with the light. And every time Pam would ask Kate if she could open her mouth, Kate would respond with her favorite answer- “no”.  
This is what most of the visit consisted of…

The dentist came in just to say hey to Kate but they didn’t try to push anything, which I was thankful for.  No point in forcing her to do anything and traumatizing her on her first office visit. They didn’t charge us and said we could come back in another month to try again. So we will try again in a month. At least she was a big girl and sat in the chair by herself. And even without actually letting them do anything, Kate left with plenty of goodies- a toothbrush, a bracelet, and a couple of balloons. 

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