First Grade Completed!

On Wednesday morning, I drug Kate out of bed for school for the last day of her first grade year. Nearly every school morning has been the same, so I’m pretty concerned at what the teenage years my hold!  It’s not like she is a late sleeper, she just doesn’t like to be woken up (but who really does??)

She specifically asked to wear a dress for her last day of school.  Love my girly girl!

In the past year, Kate has learned a crazy amount with her awesome teacher.  Her reading level just keeps going up, she loves math, but of course her favorite part of the day is recess!  They’ve done tons of science experiments and I often find myself riding with Kate in the car and hearing “Mom, did you know __________”.  Up until this year, it was usually things that I DID know but lately, the kid knows more than me! 
What a difference a year makes! 

And on the very first day of summer break, Kate was up out of bed and watching TV before my alarm clock even went off.  Typical, huh?  Such is the life with kids.

Happy summer, y’all!


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