
YAY!  Tax day is officially here and over.  I’m sure you’re all sick of reading about it, and I’m glad that it’s over.  After this post there will be no more talk of busy season… until 2013.  What am I looking forward to now that the long hours are over? I think a bulleted list will be easiest.

  • Spending time with my husband and daughter have got to be the #1 thing I’m looking forward to.
  • More REAL dinners and less take out and skillet meals.  I’m so sick of chicken fingers and french fries.  No more fried foods, please!
  • Saturdays. Enough said on that one!
  • Getting to see Kate in the mornings.  Before busy season, I’d get up with her and give her a bottle before I went into work.  I LOVED that time.  But during busy season, I’d try to get to work by 6:30 or 7 am, and Kate doesn’t wake up til 7:30. So, Kevin’s been feeding her in the mornings.  I’m so looking forward to getting back to a normal morning schedule!
  • I’m also looking forward to a long weekend in Savannah, GA this weekend!  Neither Kevin nor I have ever been so I’m sure we’ll do some of the more touristy things. 
  • Sunshine.  I’ve done a pretty good job of getting home before it’s dark but I haven’t exactly had a whole lot of daylight time in the evenings.  Actually having the time to take Kate on a walk instead of coming in from work and rushing through dinner, bath time, story and bed is going to be GREAT.  And maybe Kevin and I will get to eat dinner before 9pm. 🙂
  • Sleeping in. I’m sure some of you think that is crazy talk with a 8 month old, but believe me, sleeping til 7 or 7:30 is going to be sleeping in for me!
  • Reading.  One of my favorite hobbies, but I just haven’t had time to do it lately!
  • Using my Christmas/Birthday present from Kevin! I really want to learn to do embroidery with my new sewing machine.  I did have one attempt at it before busy season really began, but never got a chance to learn much before all my spare time was gone.  I’m so excited to give this another try!

 Okay there is so much more that I am thankful for now that busy season is over, but I’ll stop with those. And if anybody thinks that I’m crazy for working in public accounting, maybe I am!  But I AM thankful for a job that I enjoy (even if there are long hours at times), and working with GREAT people who I also consider good friends.  If it weren’t for the great people, I don’t think anyone would survive in public accounting.  So with all that said, I’ll share some more of Kate’s 8 month OUTDOOR photo shoot!


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