Father’s Day 2018

I don’t often write blog posts about Kevin.  Usually this cyber space of mine is filled with little updates on the girls; their milestones, school progress, and development.  And of course, I give updates about our open adoptions and what those look like since let’s be honest, that’s probably why most of you are here reading in the first place.

Today is Father’s Day though so I want to take a moment to share this guy.  He is my best friend. He’s the one that encourages me and motivates me.  He knows that when I have problems, I don’t usually want him to give me an answer; I just want him to listen.  He knows that candy is my love language, and he’ll fill my snack drawer at work with kit-kats, twix and snickers every busy season. Hey – unless you are a tax accountant, don’t judge!  He’s my person and today is his day.

Kevin is hands down, the best Daddy ever for Kate and Karsten.  He is a provider for our family and takes care of us in more ways than we can count. He grew up having very little and so his mentality has always been a “do it myself” kind of mentality.  If there is something that he can do (or something that he can look on YouTube and figure out how to do), he will do it.  He is handy.  He will change the oil in our cars, rotate our tires, and do all kinds of car stuff that I know nothing about. He builds swing sets for our girls, tucks them into bed at night, and reads them stories. And the icing on the cake?  He knows how to fix BOTH of their hair in the morning. He’s pretty great.  And we love him.


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