Fall is on the Way

Fall is by far my favorite time of the year.  I LOVE fall weather, when it actually feels like fall.  It feels like we only get a couple of days each year, but when we do get them, we enjoy them. About a week ago, we had a day just like that. Perfect weather for being outside. So we did just that.  I raked the front flower bed to get rid of clippings and leaves, and of course my little helper wanted to join in.  Who am I to turn down free help?

She did such a good job raking that she backed right into the lawn timbers around our flower bed, and somehow I caught it on camera. Bet she’ll love this picture when she gets older. 🙂 No worries. She jumped right up after her fall.

And then she found the sod, and this has quickly become her favorite place in the yard.  Since it’s still getting established, we’ve let it grow a little taller than the rest of the yard and Kate loves to lay down and roll around in it.

Like I said, perfect weather.  Hope we get lots more of these kinds of days soon!


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