ED Christmas Party 2013

This year was the first year that I was able to go to my work’s Christmas party.  I was “new” to the firm last year, but was out of town (in NYC!) for the weekend of the Christmas party.  We weren’t missing it again though. 🙂  
We got a babysitter for the night (thanks, Nicole!) and were basically pushed out the door by Kate.  Seriously.  Kate was so excited that Nicole was coming over to see her, that when Nicole got to our house, Kate told her to sit down and then said “Bye, Mommy!!”.  I guess I’m pretty thankful we don’t have a super clingy child, although sometimes I think she wouldn’t care if we weren’t around at all!
Regardless, we got to the Hyatt not too long after the party started and met up with Kristi and Davis.  We took a few quick pictures before really going inside.  Here is one of Kevin, me, Kristi and Davis. 

I’m sure not too many people can say they work with their sister!  However, I do have to add that although we work at the same firm, we don’t end up working together all that often!

And of course I had to get a picture with my date.  

December is always a crazy-busy month, but filled with so many fun things.


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