Easter Eggs

On Saturday, we dyed Easter eggs with Kate for the first time.  We got the least-fuss dye kit that the grocery store had- no glitter, no stickers, no paint- and it turned out to be pretty perfect.  Kate had fun stirring the dye, vinegar and water together. 

We even got a little bit pinterest-y and tried the kool-aid dyes.  
Kate loved it. 
She did not love the waiting.  My child is definitely a very instant-gratification kind of kid, so the waiting was not something she handled very well. 


About this time, she noticed her Daddy eating pretzels and the egg-dying was over at that point. But our eggs sure turned out pretty! 

And yes, that is a finger hole in the pink egg.  I’ll give you one guess as to who put it there. 🙂 


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