Dressed for Success
I’ll eventually get around to blogging some more about our Boston trip, but there are more important things to talk about- like Kate’s wardrobe. She gets lots of cute things from family and friends, but this one is one of my favorites. My parents gave it to her for Easter and she’s gotten tons of use out of it. That’s the good thing about dresses for girls. You can buy them big so they can wear them for a LONG time. And a long time for us is still just a couple of months! Kate grows so fast. 🙂
It’s fun to go back and look at how much she’s grown and changed. You can definitely see it in these pictures, when she’s wearing the same dress. She went from a non-mobile stage (I can’t believe how teeny!)….
To a standing and crawling stage…
And now to an into-everything stage…
And because I thought these are too funny not to share, here is a glimpse of our little drama queen. She most definitely knows how to turn it on and off.