Daddy Daughter Dance 2019

Man. My girl is growing up.

Each year Kate’s school puts on a Daddy/Daughter dance and Kate has gone every year. She LOVES it.

She and I went shopping a few weeks ago so she could pick out a new dress for the dance. I have to say that this was probably one of the first times that she has WANTED to go shopping for clothes and it gave me a glimpse into her teenage years. She quickly found the perfect dress, because it was covered in sparkles and came with a huge JoJo bow. (That is JoJo Siwa for those of you who aren’t up on the pre-teen fashion idols.) And then she begged for new shoes, but not just any shoes. She wanted shoes with a HEEL. Growing up for sure.

Seven years have past and it’s only felt like two. I could have promised you that just yesterday she was taking her first steps. Next thing I know, she’ll be asking for the car keys. 🙂

And here are Kevin and Kate about to head out to the dance. With 2 years of experience in Daddy/Daughter dances, Kevin was fully prepared to be ditched at the door. And he was. Kate had a blast dancing and playing with her friends.


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