Cupcakes and Sweeping

I’m not even apologizing for my lack of blogging lately.  I kept thinking that life was going to slow down and get back to normal.  And… that never happened.  I think I’ve come to the realization that this busy-ness is the new normal for at least this season of our life. So with that being said, here are some pictures that I took about two weeks ago, and never got to share. 🙂

I bought a box of cake mix, with the intentions of making cupcakes with Kate.  This was a first for us, and I think she loved it.  I’m training her to take over the kitchen duties in about 3 years. Chef Kate.

Of course this part was to be expected- the mess.  Oh yeah.  I let her “pour” the mix into the bowl and then told her to wait a second while I filled up the measuring cup with the correct amount of water.  Silly me. I really thought she would wait.  Instead, she took the spoon and excitedly started stirring.  White mess everywhere. No big deal.  Easily cleaned up.

We headed outside to wait on the timer to go off.  In the meantime, I made Kate sweep up the porch.  We work for our sweets in this house.  Just kidding. 🙂

And, that’s pretty much it.  Maybe it won’t be next week before I post again.  We’ll see.


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