Cowgirl Kate

Kate has loved horses for almost as long as we can remember.  We have a farm with horses near our house, and we pass by it nearly every single day.  It’s the one that we used to walk over to in the evenings, so Kate could admire her friends. 
Her favorite book was Cowgirl Kate, and her favorite television show is Sheriff Callie. She was a cowgirl for Halloween last year, and she loves to wear her boots in the fall and wintertime.  She loves all things cowgirl, especially the horses. 
For so long, Kate has begged (BEGGED!) us to ride the horses.  One day, when she was probably 2, I told her she could ride them when she turned 4.  Four years old seemed like such a long way off at the time.  I really should have thought about that a little more, because her fourth birthday came before I was ready! 
Anyway, a promise is a promise, so her birthday present from Kevin and me was a real horseback riding lesson.  This girl was in heaven for a solid hour and a half.  

Happiest FOURTH birthday to our oldest (still little) girl- the spunky and sassy kid who made me a mama.


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