Conversations to Remember

Sometimes, I just have to stop and write down my conversations with Kate, because they are little snippets of our life together that I never want to forget.  This is one of them…

A few days ago, Kate and I were driving back from her swim lessons.  It is very rare that I just have ONE of my girls with me, but this was one of those times.  We were listening to the radio and the song “Your Love Never Fails” by Jesus Culture came on the radio.  I started singing along to the song and Kate piped up from the backseat.  When the song ended, she and I had this conversation:

Me: Kate. I didn’t know you knew that song!  Do you know all of the words?

Kate: Yep! “Your love never fails. It never gives up. It never runs out on me!!!”

Me: That’s right! Do you know whose love they are talking about?

Kate: Jesus?

Me: Yep! His love is SO big that it never runs out.  And Jesus never gives up on us.  That’s a LOT of love.

Kate: I’ve already got a LOT of love from my Momma, and Daddy and Sissy and everybody! And Jesus too.

Oh, how I love that girl!  And she is most certainly right. We love her more than she can imagine!


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