Get in Touch!

I started this blog thinking it would be something I used for a short period of time to update people on our current adoption. However, it’s become a hobby of mine and over time, even a ministry of sorts! I can’t tell you how many people I have talked to over the past 7+ years – so many people I have never met in real life (and lots that I have)!  I’ve had people all over the country reach out to me with various questions related to adoption, Jesus, life, or whatever.  

By no means do I claim to be an adoption expert, but in the course of our two open adoptions we’ve learned quite a lot.  I’m not one of those people who gets offended when people ask about our adoptions. In fact, I welcome it! I’m a pretty open book about our experiences. I feel like God has given me these experiences and this platform for a purpose, so it is all His to use as He sees fit.

Feel free to reach out to me using the form below and I’ll be in touch as soon as I’m able!